Stories to Read
This Bible story book has been written for children 8 years old and older. It begins with the creation of all things and hopes to explain, through simple words and illustrations, the great truths of the Bible and God’s plan for all people.
Go through the ABCs with Bible characters, concepts and praising God for his love and care.
We are grateful for Phillip Martin for creating this wonderful art, and allowing us to use these images to create this story.
This simple representation of Gods love is for small children and new readers showing some of the ways God shows his love.
We are grateful for Phillip Martin for creating this art, and allowing us to use these images to create this story.
Stories of the Bible
Daniel’s Trial
The story of Daniel is an example that God allows us to be put into difficult situations, even unfair ones, by people who want to hurt us. The men in this story manipulated the situation to make Daniel, an innocent man, end up being unfairly punished. But Daniel had faith and God protected him to the end.
The Bravery of Esther
Esther had great faith and bravery as she stood up risking her life for what she believed and to save her people from the hate of others. Esther stood before the king with her faith and courage against those who would kill her and all who she loved.
Staying true to God
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were given a choice: acknowledge King Nebuchadnezzar as though he were God or stay true to God Almighty. Their reply was to stay true to their God. They knew they would be thrown into a fiery furnace and die, but they but they decided to stay true to their God, no matter what.
The Lesson of Jonah.
Jonah was a prophet of God, but he let his own personal hate get in the way of doing God’s will. God knew the people of Nineveh only did wrong because they didn’t understand - “they cannot decree their right hand from their left (Jonah 4:11) - and God knew they would turn if someone taught them. Even Jonah, a prophet, had to learn to put aside his preconceived views and follow God in His love and determination to save a people.
The loyalty and love of Ruth
When her husband died, Ruth could have gone back to her family, but she refused to leave her mother-in-law to be all alone. In choosing the harder path to put aside her own comfort and take care of someone else; she showed a kindness that caught the heart of a Lord and created a legacy that will always be remembered.
Parables that Teach
The Open Arms of God.
Jesus spoke this beautiful parable to show how forgiving and loving our Father is. God will let us leave if we want - he would never try to force us to love Him - but he will be there waiting with open arms for us to come back to him. “It is right that we should make merry and be glad. This, your brother, was dead but is alive again. He was lost and is found.” - Luke 15:32
True Kindness of Heart
This Parable was in answer to the question : “Who is my neighbor?” that was put before Jesus. His answer, illustrated here is that we are all each other’s neighbor. The Samaritans were considered heathens to the Jew, but this parable illustrates that true kindness and neighborliness should transcend country borders and religious beliefs.